Shane R. Hendren


Santa Fe Fashion Week Designer Shane R. Hendren fine Jewelry
Shane Hendren relaxing in his element

Shane R Hendren has a long and rich Navajo heritage, drawing on traditional symbolism to create a sophisticated line of contemporary jewelry which he saw early on in his career as, “sculpture for the body”. We are honored at Santa Fe Fashion Week to be featuring some of his jewelry along with our clothing designers, and are proud to promote him and his gorgeous designs – fit for the turquoise connoisseur and fine jewelry aficionado alike. As global citizens, we believe it is of paramount importance to present to the world examples of the fine craftsmanship given to Hendrens’ exquisite works of wearable art and lend credence and credit to all artists who, many times throughout history, have contributed their art to the world without so much as a nod in their direction. Being a global player, to SFFW, means both contributing to our own culture with our own individual footprints and signatures (and those in the SFFW family!), as well as being open to the fluidity, merging, molding, and meshing beauty that makes up the humanity of the global art trade.

Shane, along with being an artisan jeweler/Metalsmith, trains horses, ropes, and rides bulls.

Shane Hendren (Navajo) is known for his contemporary take on traditional Navajo jewelry; he uses a wide variety of techniques, including marriage of metals and mokume gane. We have a nice representation of his work, including a pendant made as a tribute to the late master Hopi painter and jeweler, Michael Kabotie. Also from the Listen to Shane as he explains the concept behind his jewelry and what he hopes it brings to people.  (recorded in 2010)

Jewelry by Santa Fe Fashion Week 2014 Designer Shane R. Hendren chelsea1Green Turquoise Bracelet by Santa Fe Fashion Week 2014 Designer Shane R. Hendren



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