Anita Rose was born April 22, 1986. She is the final addition to a small middle class family consisting of two older brothers: James and Miguel and one older sister: Carolyn. Together they resided in a small apartment located in the Bronx, New York. Her father Peter worked for United Parcel Service and her mother Catherine worked in a high school for New York’s Department of Education. From early on, art had always held a special place I’m her heart. Anita began drawing portraits with her father then moved on to landscapes. It wasn’t until high school that her love for the fashion industry exploded into a full time passion. Designing sweet sixteen and prom dresses for her classmates. She also volunteered to design costumes for the school plays and did hair and makeup for the cast as well.
Since that say, Anita has worked got local designers, modeling agencies, musicians, and various industry professionals. She has perfected her craft and shared the beauty of this special gift from one coast to another. She has cut through cultural barriers and has touched all walks of life. Today Anita Rose create custom clothing for men, women, and children. She takes great joy knowing that her work makes people look and feel great and takes pride in bridging the gap between: music, fashion, and modeling industries worldwide. In the future Anita Rose hopes to create a clothing brand that touches people worldwide, become a household name, and be among the great designers of our time.
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