About Jewelry Sculptures by Michelle
When you see Michelle’s Jewelry Sculptures you will have cast your eyes on some of the most exciting, unique and entirely made by hand jewelry designs in existence. Michelle Hoerdemann has loved jewelry and fashion of all kinds since she was a little girl. In high school she worked part time at a local jewelry store. She loves what sparkles and shines.
She studied fashion merchandising in college initially, she later earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal Justice Sciences. When she was in in her 20’s she moved from a small town to downtown Chicago. There she worked for the top stores; Marshall Fields, Lord & Taylor and boutique store Bonwit Teller. She managed women’s ready to wear fashions, but spent most of her time as an account manager for Estee’ Lauder cosmetics.
When she later moved away from the Chicago area, for a few years, she longed for all the fashion and to many peoples’ surprise, she decided to begin designing her own line! In choosing her medium she chose porcelain / ceramic clays. Her father, Ewald Hoerdemann, enjoyed making German steins, pheasants and quail out of ceramic greenware he purchased. As a young girl she watched him intently and learned the steps of painting, glazing and the 22kt overlays. Many years after that time and just 2 years after her father had passed away suddenly, Michelle purchased her first 25 pound block of clay and the creating began.
Her clients are amazed that they originated from clay. Michelle has sold her designs to art galleries, boutiques, department stores, hospital gift shops, hair salons, home shows, and exhibited at juried fine art shows over the past 20 years.
She will do custom work for jewelry and as an example she can custom design bridesmaid earring sets for weddings to match the gowns. When Michelle sells one on one to her clients she truly enjoys the excitement watching them choose a design and telling her what the design looks like to them. How they interpret the mostly abstract designs she finds fascinating. Michelle happily returned to the Chicago area in June 2011.When she is not designing and creating jewelry she enjoys time with her daughters Tara, Alysha, grandson Luke and other family, friends and her rescue dog Bubbles.
Michelle recently was selected “No Limits Entrepreneur of the Week!” by Rebecca Jarvis of ABC’ s Good Morning America.
Michelle is an executive member of Fashion Group International Chicago division.
Instagram @jewelrysculpturesbymichelle