
17 Jun: Izzy Martin – Nob Hill

    By Angela Groom, Intern Staff Writer. Walking into a men’s clothing store is a unique experience unlike many others. This is due in large part to the fact that there are so few men’s clothing boutiques. In Albuquerque there is only a handful. Women’s clothing boutiques are significantly more common.

01 Jun: Kii Boutique – Nob Hill

  By Angela Groom, Intern Staff Writer. Santa Fe Fashion Week interviewed the owner of Kii (k2) boutique, Kayla Smith, on Friday the 20th of May. Smith is a recent alumni of the University of New Mexico. She opened the clothing store around September of last year, naming it after her childhood nickname “KK”.

AP Photo by Francois Mori

23 Jan: The Show Must Go On, Indeed: A response to Paris Fashion Week 2015

In case you missed it: The Original Story titled, “After Terror Attacks, the Show Must Go On for Paris Fashion” by Thomas Adamson Thomas Adamson can be followed at I was taken by the cover picture of the model wearing bearing the words, written on plastic, “Stop Terrorizing our World” Looking pale, with makeup almost hinting at “A Clockwork Orange” but more obviously the Eye of Horus, and maybe even hints of the Turkish Nazar: the evil eye protection talisman – made a striking and solid image in my heart. We live in a culture where our deepest sentiments are often printed on the front of a tshirt. Fashion is notoriously shallow. It is competitive. It is commercial. It is whitewashed. It is wasteful. It is harmful. There are many, many things ‘wrong’ with the world of Fashion today. It is at it’s best when it’s giving us something meaningful…

18 Jun: Guest Blogger: City Girl Desert Doll

We are so lucky here at SFFW to have such a large and widespread community of creative people who we love and who love what we do. When yours truly isn’t talking to designers, sponsors, creating content, writing plans, dreaming, believing and being a full-time working mom on top of that – I get to review excellent content and submissions by other bloggers who love what they do and do what they love too. We are so pleased to announce our newest blogger to the team! Welcome! <3, @theAmandaMayhem Executive Producer Model Behaviour: Kya Ross Written by Autumn Mae – Original Post written June 7th, 2014   So sorry I have been absent. My head has been crazy working these internships and the features for my blog/ writing work for them will be in the features tab. Check out the links gorgeous people. Now today’s post will be on the…